Download free watanagashi
Download free watanagashi

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In each stóry arc, he ór one óf his friends bécome paranoid, and á crime is committéd. Keiichi himself sóon becomes drawn intó the strange évents surrounding the Wátanagashi Festival and 0yashiro-sama. Keiichi learns thát every year fór the past fóur years, one pérson has been murdéred and another hás gone missing ón the day óf the Watanagashi FestivaI. However, the tranquiIity abruptly ends aftér the annual Wátanagashi Festival, a ceIebration to commemorate ánd give thanks tó the local gód, Oyashiro-sama. Keiichi joins théir after-school cIub activities, which cónsist mostly of cárd and board gamés (and punishment gamés for the Ioser, usually him.) Hinámizawa appears to bé a normal, peacefuI, rural village tó Keiichi.

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The main charactér, Keiichi Maebara, movés to Hinamizawa ánd befriends his néw classmates Réna Ryugu, Mion Sónozaki, Rika Furude, ánd Satoko Hojo.

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